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Crafting a world built to stand out

Crafting a world built to stand out

Tektōn Furniture & Design House

In a world where everything has become mass manufactured, it is our passion to build and create beautiful wooden pieces that leave a mark on whomever lays eyes on them. From the time Tektōn was just an idea, craftsmanship has been its core identity, growing and steadfastly moving with us throughout the years till this very day.

Tektōn’s craftsmen are like no other. From the moment they lay hands on raw wood until they turn it into an extravagant piece, passion and professionalism is what drives them all the way. They are the reason Tektōn was able to build the bridge between extravagant designs and the mastering of woodwork by bringing to life a handful of exquisite designs. 

Let’s talk about beauty from uselessness. Our craftsmen specialize in pouring out their passion and artistry by not only using different types of wood but also reclaimed wood and turning it into beautiful and intricate pieces, each carrying a story of its own. Imagine walking into a room with an exquisite dining table made of railway sleepers that date back to the 1830’s, or maybe a unique sideboard that used to be a sweet couple’s old barn. How exciting and authentic?

The beauty lies in the process, as it all starts with a dreamer. Our product designer envisions a piece, puts it into design and then begins the best part. The part where our professional and passionate artisans bring those designs to life. That’s what we call a dream come true.

Every Tektōn crafted piece is designed by our team to ensure a powerfully consistent identity. The whole process is supervised by our Operations team to ensure great quality and precision in the design.

A company’s most valuable asset is the people. That’s why we invest in our team more than the machines. The pursuit of each staff’s personal development has yielded Tektōn its greatest success.

We believe in unity and harmony within our team, from the founders to designers and the artisans who make pieces come to life. That’s why we held a 2-day retreat with activities that help in bonding the whole team together.